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Selected tag: Equitronome

There are two terms of the equestrian world that often get mixed up: tempo and rhythm. Rhythm is the regularity of a gait, whereas tempo means the speed of a rhythm. Generally speaking, it is a movement speed, and we have already talked about its importance before.  It is one of the most important values of a ride - let it be show jumping, dressage, or cross country, the right tempo is the foundation of success.  continue reading
There are two terms of the equestrian world that often get mixed up: tempo and rhythm. Rhythm is the regularity of a gait, whereas tempo means the speed of a rhythm. Generally speaking, it is a movement speed, and we have already talked about its importance before.  It is one of the most important values of a ride - let it be show jumping, dressage, or cross country, the right tempo is the foundation of success.  continue reading
We often hear trainers and coaches shouting at their pupils, "Find the right tempo!" in the warm-up ring. As simple as this advice is, the actual performance proves to be everything but easy. All the showjumpers (and many other riders) know about the mysterious "perfect tempo" that gives the horse an ideal momentum to jump. But how to achieve it? continue reading
V jezdeckém světě existují dva pojmy, které se rády pletou: rytmus a tempo. Pod pojmem rytmus rozumíme pravidelnost chodu, zatímco tempo značí rychlost ruchu. Jde tedy o rychlost pohybu a o jeho důležitosti dnes nemluvíme poprvé. Jedná se o jednu z nejdůležitějších veličin jízdy – ať už se podíváme na parkur, drezuru či cross country, správné tempo je základem úspěchu. continue reading