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Selected tag: analysis

Answer yourself this: do you always know for sure how long you have been riding? The real-time analysis is here to help you achieve your plans and goals– be it a dressage session, jumping training, or a hack. continue reading
There are two terms of the equestrian world that often get mixed up: tempo and rhythm. Rhythm is the regularity of a gait, whereas tempo means the speed of a rhythm. Generally speaking, it is a movement speed, and we have already talked about its importance before.  It is one of the most important values of a ride - let it be show jumping, dressage, or cross country, the right tempo is the foundation of success.  continue reading
Since last autumn, EQUIMO has become my riding companion, and I always put it on, even if I go on a hack. It's no different with shows; I naturally pack my EQUIMO in my tack box. Today, I would like to introduce you to my showing day with this little helper. continue reading
Keeping our horses safe and sound is a difficult task. Let EQUIMO help you keep an eye on your horse’s wellbeing and health; here are three signs your furry partner is not feeling their best. continue reading
There are two terms of the equestrian world that often get mixed up: tempo and rhythm. Rhythm is the regularity of a gait, whereas tempo means the speed of a rhythm. Generally speaking, it is a movement speed, and we have already talked about its importance before.  It is one of the most important values of a ride - let it be show jumping, dressage, or cross country, the right tempo is the foundation of success.  continue reading
Tereza Vysoudilová is a year from being twenty. She jumps classes for Young Riders, schools youngsters, has been accepted to medical school, and for an unknowing eye, her life might seem close to perfect. But it is safe to say that she knows her way around misfortune – for example when her top horse injured himself last year and has not fully recovered since then. In our interview, Tereza talks about his recovery and about herself, her career, and all the ways she uses her EQUIMO analysis. continue reading
Řekněte si upřímně: víte vždy s jistotou, jak dlouho jezdíte? Aktuální přehled vím umožní dosáhnout krátkodobých cílů a splnit daný plán, ať už se jedná o drezurní lekci, skokový trénink či vyjížďku. continue reading
V jezdeckém světě existují dva pojmy, které se rády pletou: rytmus a tempo. Pod pojmem rytmus rozumíme pravidelnost chodu, zatímco tempo značí rychlost ruchu. Jde tedy o rychlost pohybu a o jeho důležitosti dnes nemluvíme poprvé. Jedná se o jednu z nejdůležitějších veličin jízdy – ať už se podíváme na parkur, drezuru či cross country, správné tempo je základem úspěchu. continue reading
Udržet naše koňské miláčky zdravé a spokojené je náročný běh na dlouhou trať. Dovolte proto EQUIMO trackeru pomoci; zde jsou tři znaky, že se váš čtyřnohý parťák necítí právě nejlépe. continue reading