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Selected tag: features

We are working hard on developing and testing some hot news to enhance your training even further... continue reading
Answer yourself this: do you always know for sure how long you have been riding? The real-time analysis is here to help you achieve your plans and goals– be it a dressage session, jumping training, or a hack. continue reading
An average 550kg horse with a moderate workload needs approximately 26 500 Calories per day. How to make sure your horse has the right amount of energy intake to perform at their best? Keep reading to find out.  continue reading
Life with horses, and competing with them especially, can become very hard to organize. EQUIMO offers the benefits of the shared calendar – whether you are an owner of the tracker or a free app user, you can mark, plan, and organize within the app. continue reading
In this ongoing article, you can learn about all the new features and updates of our app. As we try to improve our services continuously, we fix the bugs and add new features on a frequent, regular basis. It's easy to lose track and miss new features that can help you with your riding passion.  continue reading
Řekněte si upřímně: víte vždy s jistotou, jak dlouho jezdíte? Aktuální přehled vím umožní dosáhnout krátkodobých cílů a splnit daný plán, ať už se jedná o drezurní lekci, skokový trénink či vyjížďku. continue reading
Život s koňmi, především ten závodní, může být velmi těžké zorganizovat. EQUIMO svým majitelům nabízí benefity sdíleného kalendáře - ať už jste vlastníkem trackeru či uživatelem bezplatné aplikace, v rámci kalendáře můžete zaznačovat, plánovat a organizovat dle potřeby. continue reading