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Selected tag: health

We all want our four-legged partners to perform at their best but with horses, preventing pain and injuries can be tricky. One major reason is that horses, as prey animals, have the evolutionary urge to hide their pain, which makes it even harder to detect or prevent it. Here are three things we do to keep our jumping horses happy and healthy - things you can do, too! continue reading
We all want our four-legged partners to perform at their best but with horses, preventing pain and injuries can be tricky. One major reason is that horses, as prey animals, have the evolutionary urge to hide their pain, which makes it even harder to detect or prevent it. Here are three things we do to keep our jumping horses happy and healthy - things you can do, too! continue reading
Ever wonder how hard your training session was for your horse, alone or compared to your usual rides? What you can do to adjust the training plan specifically for your horse, or how to deal with changes in weight? Then this article is just for you… continue reading
Christmas is fast approaching – crazy how time flies, right? If you’re an equestrian inside and out, chances are your four-legged friends have their place under your Christmas tree. Here are three Christmas gifts ideas that will make your horse neigh with happiness.  continue reading
Our sport isn't just about the ribbons; so what happens when you're leaving a show with a lame horse? This article tells a story of recovery from sprained collateral ligaments and the way EQUIMO helped us get better. continue reading
When the seasons start to change and autumn becomes present within the morning frosts and leaves turning brown, equestrians brace themselves as they enjoy the last sunny days. Once the weather turns cold and the sun disappears, it is somehow a bit harder to enjoy stable duties while fighting the rain, moisture, and chill. And whilst the omnipresent mud might be beneficial for horses in small doses, too much of the brown substance can cause serious health issues. Here are three of the reasons why you want to consider keeping your horse away from a very muddy pasture. continue reading
MVDr. Veronika Dolníčková is a veterinarian focusing on movement, back, and spine issues that she studied at the International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic in Germany. Today, this expert tells us about the most common problems of her horse patients and how to avoid them. continue reading
Intensity is the name for the amount of effort a horse puts into training. Although it may seem difficult at first, the knowledge and ability to work with intensity, as the headline hints, may become a significant help for several reasons. You can make sure your horse's training is neither less nor more intense than you intend to. It gives you a general knowledge of your horse's health state, and it also provides an excellent guidepost to help structure your training. continue reading
Calories are often discussed among riders who need to watch out for their diet to stay in shape. However, our horse partner's calorie income is an important subject too. The knowledge of how much energy your horse burns and needs to supplement is the foundation of a proper feeding dose that affects your horse's overall health. continue reading
Feeding your horses and making sure they get all the needed nutrients while being happy and well-fed is something that can turn out to be very tricky. Most horse owners have experienced issues with their four-legged partners being either too difficult to feed, or gaining pounds seemingly from nothing. Here is a little guide of things you should not forget while considering your horse’s diet. continue reading
Čas letí závratnou rychlostí a Vánoce už číhají za rohem. Chcete-li jim letos dát něco více než jen obvyklé mrkvičky a jablíčka, máme pro vás tři tipy na dárky, se kterými vaši koně budou opravdu mít šťastné a veselé.  continue reading
Udržet kopyta našich miláčků v dobré kondici je náročný úkol. Abyste si mohli letní měsíce naplno, přinášíme vám základní tipy na péči o kopyta v horkém počasí.  continue reading
Smůla na závodech a odjezd domů se zraněným koněm, i takový je náš sport. Tento příběh ze stáje vás provede léčbou a rekonvalescencí po natažení kopytních vazů a ukáže, kde nám pomohlo EQUIMO. continue reading