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Selected tag: interview

Hania Segiel is a young talented eventer, whose future plans include even the Europeans of 2024! She has been riding with EQUIMO for half of a year, and here is how it helps her perform in her demanding discipline. continue reading
Jan Vinckier is a well-known rider, trainer, and horseman. Competing on the highest level from a young age, Jan has now chosen the path of a trainer, and although he still rides, most of his energy is spent on coaching. In the interview today, Jan spills the biggest challenges of teaching riders and how EQUIMO helps him overcome these challenges. continue reading
Radovan Šillo and Monika Ničová are a great example of a well-functioning showjumping team. From their home near Slovakian Pezinok, they travel to shows across Europe where Rado competes in the highest classes, and Monika takes care of their four-legged partners. Although there is a whole team taking care of their home-stable, you can usually see only Rado and Monika at shows.  continue reading
On the last weekend of August, the Equine Sport Centre in Olomouc, the Czech Republic, hosted a CSI2*-W show. The event that usually has three stars lacked one star this year due to the Covid-19 situation, but the atmosphere was as lively as it is every year. We were there the whole time, got a coffee plus a little talk with some of you, and truly enjoyed every single day. continue reading
Bart Junior Vandecasteele is a 15 years old  Belgian born into a family with rich expertise in the showjumping sport. Although his parents are the breeders of the famous horse Mr. President, he initially was not interested in horses, and has been a competitive cyclist. Even though he rides for only a year and a half, he has already won several 1.40 classes. And his big dream? Nothing less than to be the world number one! continue reading
Tereza Vysoudilová is a year from being twenty. She jumps classes for Young Riders, schools youngsters, has been accepted to medical school, and for an unknowing eye, her life might seem close to perfect. But it is safe to say that she knows her way around misfortune – for example when her top horse injured himself last year and has not fully recovered since then. In our interview, Tereza talks about his recovery and about herself, her career, and all the ways she uses her EQUIMO analysis. continue reading
Jan Vinckier je známý jezdec i trenér. Od útlého věku závodil v parkurech té nejvyšší mezinárodní obtížnosti, nyní však zvolil cestu trenéra a i když většinu své energie investuje do svých svěřenců, jezdit nepřestal. V dnešním rozhovoru Jan prozrazuje největší výzvy při trénování jezdců a jak mu EQUIMO pomáhá tyto výzvy překonávat. continue reading
Na přelomu roku odjel Václav Staněk do holandských BWG Stables, kde v době našeho rozhovoru dokončoval svou stáž zastřešenou programem pro mladé talentované jezdce A young Riders Academy. Vašek se rozpovídal nejen o svém působení ve stájích bratří Schröderů, ale také o následných pracovních plánech a s nimi spojených možnostech využití EQUIMO trackeru. continue reading
Na začátku roku 2020 přijal český reprezentant Ondřej Zvára možnost nestranně vyzkoušet EQUIMO tracker. Po návratu ze španělské Sunshine tour Ondru naplno zastihla krize spojená s COVID-19, a tudíž tracker testuje hlavně v domácím prostředí. V dnešním rozhovoru jezdec Stáje Arcus povídá nejen o zkušenostech s EQUIMEM, ale především o jeho aktuálním tréninku a vyhlídkách na Olympijské hry v Tokyu. continue reading
Novým pomocníkem nejen pro profesionální jezdce je unikátní sledovací zařízení EQUIMO, které umožňuje komplexní analýzu jezdeckého tréninku. Během práce s koňmi jej využívá také parkurová jezdkyně Linda Portychová a pomáhá jí tréninky optimalizovat. continue reading