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We all want our four-legged partners to perform at their best but with horses, preventing pain and injuries can be tricky. One major reason is that horses, as prey animals, have the evolutionary urge to hide their pain, which makes it even harder to detect or prevent it. Here are three things we do to keep our jumping horses happy and healthy - things you can do, too! continue reading
We all want our four-legged partners to perform at their best but with horses, preventing pain and injuries can be tricky. One major reason is that horses, as prey animals, have the evolutionary urge to hide their pain, which makes it even harder to detect or prevent it. Here are three things we do to keep our jumping horses happy and healthy - things you can do, too! continue reading
Calorie management in human athletes is easy: we feel when we’re hungry or underfuelled and simply eat more. But what about our horses? They cannot go to the fridge and have a second dinner… continue reading
Tempo - the basis of every equestrian discipline. Showjumpers rely on their tempo to provide jumpable distances, dressage riders need regular pace to be able to ride tests smoothly, and endurance riders use their knowledge of tempo to get the best out of their horses without overworking them. But how to keep that good tempo? continue reading
„Luck favors the prepared,“ they say. And what is preparation if not well-executed organization of time, energy, and resources?  continue reading
Our horseshoe graph and its symmetry rings show you a couple of essential values: the time spent in each gait, the percentage of riding on the left and right rein, and the ratio of the gaits during a session. Why are these numbers important? Keep reading to find out... continue reading
We are working hard on developing and testing some hot news to enhance your training even further... continue reading
Let's ditch the phone while riding and focus fully on your horse! No more looking at your screen or watch to see how long you have been trotting or cantering. Let your app speak to you instead! continue reading
Putting all the pieces of the stable management puzzle into place can be chaotic at least. Let’s take the communication within your team to the next level!  continue reading
Pages of jezdci.cz website have recently been enriched with a podcast link starring our dear colleague, Jiří. This podcast talked about the Heart Rate Set, veterinary use of EQUIMO, various disciplines using the tracker, and much more. You can now read it in English, too.  continue reading
An average 550kg horse with a moderate workload needs approximately 26 500 Calories per day. How to make sure your horse has the right amount of energy intake to perform at their best? Keep reading to find out.  continue reading
Life with horses, and competing with them especially, can become very hard to organize. EQUIMO offers the benefits of the shared calendar – whether you are an owner of the tracker or a free app user, you can mark, plan, and organize within the app. continue reading
Since last autumn, EQUIMO has become my riding companion, and I always put it on, even if I go on a hack. It's no different with shows; I naturally pack my EQUIMO in my tack box. Today, I would like to introduce you to my showing day with this little helper. continue reading
Nikola Egrová is a Czech showjumper who competes with her and other horses in national classes for juniors. She’s been riding with EQUIMO for two years and it helps her to organize the training system, which she arranges mostly with her dad in the app.  continue reading
In this ongoing article, you can learn about all the new features and updates of our app. As we try to improve our services continuously, we fix the bugs and add new features on a frequent, regular basis. It's easy to lose track and miss new features that can help you with your riding passion.  continue reading
Feeding your horses and making sure they get all the needed nutrients while being happy and well-fed is something that can turn out to be very tricky. Most horse owners have experienced issues with their four-legged partners being either too difficult to feed, or gaining pounds seemingly from nothing. Here is a little guide of things you should not forget while considering your horse’s diet. continue reading
Náš podkovový graf a jeho kruhy symetrie ukazují několik základních hodnot: čas strávený v  každém chodu, procentuální rozdělení pohybu doleva a doprava a poměr chodů v rámci tréninku. Proč jsou tyto hodnoty důležité? Pojďme si to společně rozebrat... continue reading
Život s koňmi, především ten závodní, může být velmi těžké zorganizovat. EQUIMO svým majitelům nabízí benefity sdíleného kalendáře - ať už jste vlastníkem trackeru či uživatelem bezplatné aplikace, v rámci kalendáře můžete zaznačovat, plánovat a organizovat dle potřeby. continue reading
Nikola Egrová je česká parkurová jezdkyně, která se nejen se svými koňmi účastní národních juniorských soutěží. S EQUIMO trackerem jezdí již dva roky a mimo systematiky tréninku jí pomáhá také s organizací, kterou v rámci aplikace řeší především se svým tatínkem.  continue reading