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Selected tag: training

Ever wonder how hard your training session was for your horse, alone or compared to your usual rides? What you can do to adjust the training plan specifically for your horse, or how to deal with changes in weight? Then this article is just for you… continue reading
Our horseshoe graph and its symmetry rings show you a couple of essential values: the time spent in each gait, the percentage of riding on the left and right rein, and the ratio of the gaits during a session. Why are these numbers important? Keep reading to find out... continue reading
Let's ditch the phone while riding and focus fully on your horse! No more looking at your screen or watch to see how long you have been trotting or cantering. Let your app speak to you instead! continue reading
There are two terms of the equestrian world that often get mixed up: tempo and rhythm. Rhythm is the regularity of a gait, whereas tempo means the speed of a rhythm. Generally speaking, it is a movement speed, and we have already talked about its importance before.  It is one of the most important values of a ride - let it be show jumping, dressage, or cross country, the right tempo is the foundation of success.  continue reading
Many equestrians know EQUIMO as a small „box“ that tracks, analyzes, and makes training plans easier. At the beginning of this year, we introduced an addition to our technologies: a device tracking your horse’s heart activity called the Heart Rate Set.   continue reading
If you’ve stumbled upon our blog, chances are you already know what EQUIMO is. But how can it actually help you in your everyday life?  continue reading
Most equestrians would agree that winter isn’t the most pleasant of seasons. Constant feeling of cold feet, wet gloves, mud, or difficult drying of sweating horses are just a few of winter issues horsey people deal with every day. Even if you are lucky enough to have an indoor arena nearby, changeless riding indoors may start to feel tedious. Here are five tips to brighten up your winter days. continue reading
Since last autumn, EQUIMO has become my riding companion, and I always put it on, even if I go on a hack. It's no different with shows; I naturally pack my EQUIMO in my tack box. Today, I would like to introduce you to my showing day with this little helper. continue reading
There are two terms of the equestrian world that often get mixed up: tempo and rhythm. Rhythm is the regularity of a gait, whereas tempo means the speed of a rhythm. Generally speaking, it is a movement speed, and we have already talked about its importance before.  It is one of the most important values of a ride - let it be show jumping, dressage, or cross country, the right tempo is the foundation of success.  continue reading
Jan Vinckier is a well-known rider, trainer, and horseman. Competing on the highest level from a young age, Jan has now chosen the path of a trainer, and although he still rides, most of his energy is spent on coaching. In the interview today, Jan spills the biggest challenges of teaching riders and how EQUIMO helps him overcome these challenges. continue reading
We often hear trainers and coaches shouting at their pupils, "Find the right tempo!" in the warm-up ring. As simple as this advice is, the actual performance proves to be everything but easy. All the showjumpers (and many other riders) know about the mysterious "perfect tempo" that gives the horse an ideal momentum to jump. But how to achieve it? continue reading
Intensity is the name for the amount of effort a horse puts into training. Although it may seem difficult at first, the knowledge and ability to work with intensity, as the headline hints, may become a significant help for several reasons. You can make sure your horse's training is neither less nor more intense than you intend to. It gives you a general knowledge of your horse's health state, and it also provides an excellent guidepost to help structure your training. continue reading
Flatwork is an essential part of every equestrian's schedule; it provides the foundation for every discipline. Nonetheless, we have probably all been there where flatwork becomes ordinary and uninteresting. If you are experiencing this spiritless stage or just looking for new ways to make your riding sessions interesting, let this article be your help! continue reading
Summer has come, and most of the shows reopened within. It means the usual never-ending loop is on again: going to a competition, competing, coming home, giving your horse a few days of lighter work or rest, and then slowly building up to another show. continue reading
They say that to every bad situation, there is some positive aspect. That there is always a shed of light no matter how wrong the case seems to be. This so-called silver lining may sometimes be tough to find, but it is still there. continue reading
Today, we would like to present you with another exercise to keep away the boredom and to offer you a chance to challenge yourself a bit! continue reading
Many equestrians are now at home without sessions with their trainers, or any proper practice whatsoever. We know it is hard to keep training by yourself. That is why we are bringing you an easy exercise you can do alone. Five poles are all you need for it! continue reading
When people think about horse riding, many non-equestrians think it is just about sitting in the saddle and not doing anything. Every rider knows this cannot be farther from the truth. Not only is riding challenging mentally, but it also brings out the absolute maximum of riders' physical abilities. continue reading
The first part described my problem with even spreading of left- and right-handed motion during a session with my gelding.  Get ready for another example of how feelings in the saddle may vary from reality. One of my students has a very hot mare. As the student herself isn't much of an experienced rider, she often tends to get scared. The result? From the moment she climbs into the saddle, she tries ... continue reading
I believe most of us equestrians know the feeling of struggling to do something our trainer tells us. You may feel like his or her instructions are not precisely clear, or the task he or she has given you is impossible to fulfill. But when you watch a video of your session afterward, you tell yourself: "Oh my god, it looks so easy," or "Oh, it does look different than from the saddle point of view!". Does this ... continue reading
Náš podkovový graf a jeho kruhy symetrie ukazují několik základních hodnot: čas strávený v  každém chodu, procentuální rozdělení pohybu doleva a doprava a poměr chodů v rámci tréninku. Proč jsou tyto hodnoty důležité? Pojďme si to společně rozebrat... continue reading
V jezdeckém světě existují dva pojmy, které se rády pletou: rytmus a tempo. Pod pojmem rytmus rozumíme pravidelnost chodu, zatímco tempo značí rychlost ruchu. Jde tedy o rychlost pohybu a o jeho důležitosti dnes nemluvíme poprvé. Jedná se o jednu z nejdůležitějších veličin jízdy – ať už se podíváme na parkur, drezuru či cross country, správné tempo je základem úspěchu. continue reading
Mnoho jezdců a příznivců jezdeckého sportu zná EQUIMO jako malou „krabičku“, která zaznamenává, vyhodnocuje a zjednodušuje organizaci tréninku. Počátkem letošního roku jsme uvedli na trh doplněk k již zažitým technologiím; měřič srdeční frekvence pro koně zvaný Heart Rate Set.   continue reading
Pokud jste narazili na náš blog, pravděpodobně už víte, co EQUIMO tracker je a co umí. Jak vám ale může pomoci v každodenním životě?  continue reading
S pomalu ale jistě blížící se zimou nastává v koňském světě dilema: dát či nedat koním zimní pauzu? Pokud ano, na jak dlouho? A jakými aktivitami ji vyplnit? Pět jezdkyň z různých kategorií a prostředí se podělilo o své nejbližší plány, vidiny pauzy pro sebe i koně a tréninkové detaily nadcházejícího období. Pojďte se s námi na jejich příběhy podívat… continue reading
Jan Vinckier je známý jezdec i trenér. Od útlého věku závodil v parkurech té nejvyšší mezinárodní obtížnosti, nyní však zvolil cestu trenéra a i když většinu své energie investuje do svých svěřenců, jezdit nepřestal. V dnešním rozhovoru Jan prozrazuje největší výzvy při trénování jezdců a jak mu EQUIMO pomáhá tyto výzvy překonávat. continue reading
Novým pomocníkem nejen pro profesionální jezdce je unikátní sledovací zařízení EQUIMO, které umožňuje komplexní analýzu jezdeckého tréninku. Během práce s koňmi jej využívá také parkurová jezdkyně Linda Portychová a pomáhá jí tréninky optimalizovat. continue reading